1) better late than neverSo, it's been awhile. I got out of the habit of blogging, and into the habit of facebook's quick fix. But I have discovered that I miss blogging. Miss taking note of something of interest, and saving it for later, to share. Miss turning an idea around in my head for awhile, and watching it take shape. So I'm back. For today at least. (Although Richard tells me that blogging is out of style. Oh well.)
2) patience is a virtueOver the last year or so, I have mostly stopped biting my fingernails (my cuticles are a different story), and for the first time in my life, I pay attention to how they look, and even paint them from time to time. I painted them last week (gunmetal gray), and by this morning, they were a mess -- not fit to be on display at work. We were out of nail polish remover (amazing!), so I stopped at Happy Harry's on the way to work, and bought a jar of that remover stuff you just dip your fingers in. Obviously, I couldn't wait until I got to the office to use it (too exciting! too impatient!), so when I got to a red light, I opened the jar and promptly spilled acetone all over myself and my car (there is a lot more liquid in those jars than one might think!). I spent the morning in front of a space heater drying out my dress, and now my car smells like a nail salon. If you need me to drive you anywhere, just remember to bring your face mask.
3) honesty is(n't) the best policyLucy and I stopped at SuperFresh on the way home from work/school today and got sucked into an in-store demo of knives by the promise of a free knife and some pretty impressive displays of blade performance. The knives were amazing -- just ask Lucy. Not only did they slice tomatoes paper thin, but they also cut through a steel hammer and a block of wood (and were still sharp enough to make paper thin tomato slices!)....Duly impressed, under pressure from Lucy, and thinking about my friend Derek's summer selling Cutco knives (I still have one that he gave me as a wedding gift), I decided to pony up the $39.99 for not one, not two, but SEVEN knives, AND a food chopper, AND a juicer!! Amazing, right? So we went to the SuperFresh express lane with our groceries and our knives, and lo and behold, the check out girl neglected to charge me for the knife set. I had a moment where I debated leaving without saying anything, but then my conscience got the better of me (Lucy was with me after all), so I pointed out the mistake. The check out girl, clearly exhausted and uninterested in SuperFresh's bottom line, told me not to worry about it. Now, if this had been a $2.99 pack of Diet Coke, I might have let it go -- but really -- $39.99, and my kid at my side to boot? No way. We finished the transaction with the disinterested check out girl and walked over to the Customer Help desk. After waiting for an awfully long time to try to give SuperFresh more money, a customer service rep finally fixed the error and sent us on our way. We headed home to try out our fancy new knives, and make our fancy dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup, only to discover that I had left our freshly-purchased milk on the SuperFresh customer service desk. Grrrr. That's what I get for being honest.