Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I have a funny, and embarrassing, story to tell, so what better place to do it than on a public blog?

Some background....about five years ago, I found this underwear that I really liked, and decided that I would buy about a million pairs of it, all in black. Over time, I have added to my stock, but always the same underwear, and always in black. (Well, that's not totally true. I did buy a red pair once but never wore it...too flashy.) While I have added to the collection over the last few years, I rarely get rid of a pair -- after all, they are black, and they hold up very well. However, for some reason, some pairs are more comfortable than others, but this seems largely dependent on the pair of pants that I am wearing at the time.

Last Friday, I was at work, and the pair of underwear that I was wearing, indistinguishable from the other 20 pairs in my drawer, was just not right -- it was riding up and generally annoying me. So, classy chick that I am, I went to the bathroom and removed the offensive undies, tucked them in my pocket, and spent the rest of the workday commando. Later that evening, I spent a brief moment wondering where precisely I had put the underwear when I went back to my office, but...like a squirrel with a shiny thing...my brain moved on to some other critically important thought (stopping global warming? troop withdrawal from Irag? ending homelessness?) without resolving the underwear mystery.

Flash forward to Monday. Seeking refuge from the constant interruptions in the office, I packed up my laptop and the grant proposal I was working on (which I should be working on right now instead of crafting this highly intellectual blog post), and headed off to the Trolley Square Brew Ha Ha. After about 4 hours and several cups of coffee (and multiple trips to the bathroom, natch), I got up to pack up my belongings and head back to the office. When I leaned down to grab my computer bag, there, staring at my from under my table, was, yes, you guessed it -- my underwear. If you know me, which you do if you are reading this, you are probably not very surprised.


maude said...

about anthropologie: the housewares KILL me. i covet the crap out of everything.

about underwears: you saucy, saucy minx.

jocelyn said...

a) i love that we all comment, circular-style, on each other's blogs

b) i love that ally just used my/Love Actually's "saucy minx" line.

c) i think i just love blogs

d) i hate the word blog. let's think of a cooler name, like "interjams" or something.