I have nothing but the best intentions. I fully mean to RSVP to every party that Lucy is invited to the minute the cards come, and then wait until the last day. I really want to write thank you notes to tell people how perfect their gifts were, and how happy I am they thought of me...but then time slips by and it seems like it is too late. I pack my bag with work at the end of the day, and then leave the bag untouched by the front door until it's time to go to work again (seemingly minutes after I have gotten home).
This week, I have so much work to do, and feel certain that there are not enough hours in the week to get it all done. So, of course, before I left the office today, I filled my bag with files and lugged it home, and now...wait for it....I am watching "Pushing Daisies" and blogging. (And will be watching "Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares" at 9, and "Top Chef" at 10.) And believe me, tomorrow, when the clock ticks toward 5 PM, I will be so annoyed with myself for leaving my files untouched. (However, since I have started taking anti-anxiety meds, I don't get nearly as disgusted with myself as I used to. Maybe this is a good thing?)
What can I do about this? Stop procrastinating? Stop worrying about procrastinating (more meds would probably be necessary)? I think for now, I will just zone out in front of the TV, and put off the worrying until tomorrow.
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Bravo on the new blog, Kirsten. Good luck with it. I've enjoyed having a soapbox this past year.
Procrastination is the bane of life, and it's so hard to shake. I do the same things you do and wonder where the time goes. It's such a horrible lack of discipline; it makes me feel awful about myself when I think about it head on.
oooh, i procrastinate like that, too!! i had a meeting with a VP at kimberly-clark today, to setup a huge deal. but instead of prepping for it all this week, i've been watching tv and spending hours on facebook.
and what did i do tonight? watch pushing daisies (SO CUTE!), gossip girl, and dirty sexy money.
so at least we can procrastinate together?
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