I found a digital photo manipulation website through my friend Ran's flickr gallery, and have discovered a new love: the lomography treatment. Apparently, lomography is a both a photo technique and a philosophy. The technique revolves around a certain kind of cheap mass-produced Russian camera that takes over-saturated pictures with weird distortion, and the philosophy focuses on taking pictures in the moment, without any focus on what is "good." I have no interest in pursuing actual lomography (way too much work, when dumpr.net will do it for me!), but I am loving what the digital manipulation does to my pictures. They look grainy and bright and cool. In researching lomography, I learned, however, that it is apparently hot with hipsters, because you can buy all kinds of gear from Urban Outfitters. Weird. Richard says I need to embrace my inner-hipster. I already have the glasses.
next, the bangs.
Some more tattoos (perhaps a colorful half-sleeve). A master's degree and a fixed-gear bicycle. Now we have a hipster
god, richard's so witty. that was the best encapsulation of hipster i've ever seen.
[also i'm fascinated by this 'homo photo' of which you speak.]
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