Friday, December 14, 2007

O Tannenbaum

We just got our Christmas tree! Yay! I know many people have this idea that you need to go out in the woods on a snowy day and chop your own perfect, fresh tree down for the quintessential holiday experience, but I am a firm believer in the gas station tree. A woman I know told me that she got her tree at Gulf Station across from the Pizza Hut on Marsh Rd. for $ the things that went through my mind were 1) bargain, and 2) no long commute to Smyrna or Middletown. So off we went tonight for a scenic tour of the lights of North Wilmington, and then a stop at the gas station. It could not have been more perfect. The guys running the lot were, as we call them in my family for some reason, hooples -- several mullets and not very many teeth. And one of them was even a little person. They were nice as could be and super helpful, and my lovely Frasier Fir from Schuylkill Township was cut down just three days ago. It smells just like Christmas, even though it came from the Gulf Station. We are baking cookies tommorrow and decorating the tree. It will be so festive! Come join us!

1 comment:

maude said...

i've never heard the word hooples before, but i'm thoroughly impressed. i can't wait to be in delaware! i'm so excited to meet lucy and your husband, and eat all of the cookies and cakes that you give me. and to get our tattoos! don't tell justin. or my mom.