Sunday, November 18, 2007

my 7-year old has a blog?

I was out all afternoon (taking pictures of merchandise at Lindsay's store, Sanity, for her upcoming website to be posted soon!) and Richard and Lucy were left to their own devices. Not only did they get our Thanksgiving turkey -- a 16 pound Butterball (feel free to stop by for dinner Thursday at 4 pm) -- and new winter coats, but they also started a blog. Lucy's Black Bandanna features her latest writing, so you can expect lots of great pop songs and even a book review or two. It is pretty cool. You won't be disappointed.


jocelyn said...

i am so unbelievably blown away by lucy.

maude said...

oh man. that is so cool.

also..i always get halfway through writing a comment to you, and then get terribly distracted, and never finish my comment. lame.

that's all. see you soon! [one month. i'm overly excited for christmas]