Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the beckoning of lovely

Today I got an email from the author of my favorite book (see previous blog references here and here), Amy Krouse Rosenthal, that said the following:

"hello kirsten,
a) i save all my nice emails
b) yours falls into that category [i sent Amy an email two years ago thanking her for writing my favorite book, in particular the entry about NPR's Sylvia Poggioli -- a copy of my e-mail was included at the bottom of Amy's e-mail today -- impressive!]
c) i do not send out formal/official/mass updates or newsletters about my work
d) however, every once in a blue moon, i stumble into something that i might feel is worth letting you (someone who expressed interest in my work) personally know about
e) this is one of those moons
f) so here it is. it just launched a few days ago
g) PLEASE...if you want to be taken out of my "saved forever" email folder, just say the word in a reply email and consider it done. and accept my apology now.
h) if you do like the above, please feel free to pass it along to friends. the more people who see it and participate, the better... (this will make sense after viewing)

all my very best today and beyond,
amy k.r."

Needless to say, I viewed the video, and it choked me up a little, so I thought I would share it with my faithful blog readers. Watch the video, and see if you want to participate in the action with me.

all my very best today and beyond,
kirsten b.o.

1 comment:

jocelyn said...

well... everything about that is just wonderful.

i got weepy when the guy kissed the lady after handing her flowers. and then i teared up again right now, typing about how the guy kissed the lady.