Friday, January 2, 2009


It's 2009 (which, as Margit pointed out, is the last year that you can make New Year's glasses with 2 0s for the eyes. now what?), and it is time to make resolutions, which I don't usually do. No one ever keeps them, do they? But, for blog's sake, here are a few:

1) blog more
2) facebook less
3) read more (I am avoiding a significant portion of the Strand's top 80, for sure)
4) watch TV less
5) do more arts & crafts
6) do fun things with the some of the 4,000+ pictures in my flickr account
7) play more games with Lucy
8) go on more dates with Richard
9) master some tasty new dishes
10) and of course, eat better and go to the gym

Happy New Year!
xoxo -- Kirsten

1 comment:

Margit said...

Its ok...Chris solved the new year's glasses for the next decade. The one over the nose. (it really only works for 2010, but given another year he might figure more out)