Vintage Button Rings (I inherited an amazing button collection from Aunt Jud.)
Serving Trays (that's vintage fabric, also from Aunt Jud, who rescued it before a museum sent it to the landfill. remind me to tell you about the time we all had to catalog the fabric collection. it was pretty hilarious.)
Bulletin Boards with Vintage Button Pushpins (that's vintage vinyl wallpaper, which I ordered from eBay -- isn't it spectacular? I probably have enough to wallpaper your whole house, so just let me know if you are interested.)
I have a selection of other items -- some button magnets, notecards with wallpaper -- I have been a little obsessed. If you're in Philly on Saturday, come visit us....and after that, go see my etsy shop! I just need to earn enough cash to support my craft habit!
yay! that's so exciting. i love the wallpaper bulletin boards, i will be ordering one once we're settled and have money. where is your etsy?
uh-oh, I have a little bulletin board problem ... after this I may need a 12-step program.
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